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Diction’s clients: Nordisk Film

“Translate 55,000 words in two weeks, please”

That was everything we needed to know, they told us, when the job first was given to us from Denmark’s largest TV-production company, Nordisk Film TV, that have more than 1900 employees across Scandinavia.

The Challenge

The collaboration with Nordisk Film TV began when they needed a script to be translated from Danish into English. Throughout the process, we were asked to pay special attention to specific terms and names. In addition, the whole project needed to be ready within 10 workdays.

The Solution

Due to the huge amount of text and the short deadline, our project manager assigned two translators to the job. As a result thereof, it was necessary for them to assimilate their translation methods, making it absolutely crucial for them to be in contact with one another at all times regarding the use of special terms and stylistic approaches. After the translation process, the translators proofread each other’s text in order to make it flawless and consistent all the way through.

The Result

Throughout the entire process, the project manager and the two translators worked in close proximity, which meant the translation was completed in time and returned to Nordisk Film TV, so they could use the script immediately. The job is a great example of how Diction and its translators effectively work together in order to create a product of the highest quality in such a short amount of time.

About Nordisk Film – Egmont

Nordisk Film is a part of Egmont and is the Nordic’s leading developer, producer, and distributor of creative content in film and gaming. In 2015, Nordisk Film had a combined revenue of 497 million Euros. The company include 1.900 employees in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland.

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Diction Ísland ehf.
Kalkofnsvegur 2, 3. hæð
Hafnartorg, 101 Reykjavík
644 0800
Kennitala: 560123-1670
Vsk. Nr.: 147862
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